Basic information about the field
Area: 10,27 ha
Soil type: Varies on different parts of the block. Rich humus silty clay, with different consistency and coarseness of silt.
On the edges of the field, there is lighter soil, where e.g. sugar beet used to be grown. In the middle of the block, more challenging clay is delaying sowing if block is cultivated as one piece. Once in ten years the timing is good.
Crop rotation
2024 Pasture
2023 Pasture
2022 Pasture, barley
Research and experiments
Renewal of pasture lane
Cultivation activities
Cultivation activities
14.5.2023 Fertilizer: cattle slurry 16 tn/ha
21.5.2023 Harrowing
22.5.2023 Sowing; spring rye-wheat 120 kg/ha and green pea 50 kg/ha
25.5.2023 Rolling
Field is pasture parcel where grass renewal takes place in lanes. In summer 2023 renewed line 5.
Cultivation activities
16.5.2021 3rd lane: evening the soil with harrow
16.5.2021 3rd lane: fertilizer, slurry cow manure
16.5.2021 3rd lane: harrowing, goosefoot harrow
17.5.2021 3rd lane: sowing, dairy pasture mixture 30 kg/ha
25.6.2021 3rd lane: sowing, dairy pasture mixture 30 kg/ha with weed rake
16.11.2021 4th lane and northern edge (2ha): plowing
Cultivation activities
28.4.2020 Harrowing, evening the soil
28.4.2020 Fertilizer, Soilfood Boost NK vinasse 2 tn/ha
29.4.2020 Harrowing, evening the soil
29.4.2020 Lane 2: sowing, rye Reetta 70 kg/ha
4.5.2020 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure about 1/3 area of the block
25.5.2020 Lane 2: harrowing the weeds, sowing Pihviseos (=beef mixture) 25 kg/ha + herbs chicory, common bird’s-foot trefoil, cumin and plantain altogether 2 kg/ha
27.5.2020 Grazing started
23.06.20 Field Kuivurilohko. Spring 2020, the second lane from bottom was sown.
Pictures from different times of growing season
29.5.2020 Lane 2, Reetta rye
Fertility analysis 26.11.2021:
Vocabulary for reading fertility analysis:
Numero= number
Peruslohkotunnus= basic field id-number
Nimi= name
Maalaji= soil type
Multavuus= type of humus
Johtoluku= electrical conductivity
Kationinvaihtokapasiteetti= cation exchange capacity
Kalkitustarve= need for liming
Suositeltava kalkituslaji= recommended lime type
Hehkutushäviö= annealing loss
NIR skannaus= NIR scanning
Yksikkö= unit
Tonni= ton
Vapaavalintainen= free choice
Kuivurilohko, sampling lines 18-20:
2021 Pasture
2019 Pasture
2018 Pasture
2017 Inter cropping, oat Mattu, barley Streif and grass
2016 Pea Ingrid, oat Akseli and grass
2015 Oat Akseli
2014 Spring wheat Wellamo
2013 Spring rape seed Proximo and sugar beet Nexus Cruiser
2012 Spring wheat Anniina
2011 Malt barley Rambler and sugar beet Diana
2010 Spring canola Cordelia and sugar beet Hamilton Poncho Beta