Basic information about the field
Area: 2,8 ha
Soil type: humus rich sandy moraine
Crop rotation
2023 Winter wheat, Ceylon and barley
2022 Pasture
2021 Grass for dry hay and a pasture
Cultivation activities
Cultivation activities
Area A winter wheat + grass seed
15.5.2023 Sowing: grass, Naturcom lypsylaidunseos 30kg/ha
15.9.2023 Harvest: yield 2400 kg/ha
Area B barley
17.4.2023 Clearing of edging wood and rock
15.5.2023 Ploughing
15.5.2023 Fertilizing: cattle litter manure 7,1 tn/ha
22.5.2023 Plate cultivation
22.5.2023 Sowing: barley RGT Planet, 216,5 kg/ha
30.5.2023 Sowing: grass seeds, Naturcom lypsylaidunseos, 30 kg/ha
12.9.2023 Harvest: yield 2202,22 kg/ha
Cultivation activities
Autumn wheat
8.9.2022 Plowing
12.9.2022 Harrowing, plate harrow
13.9.2022 Sowing, winter wheat Ceylon 217 kg/ha
Cultivation activities
Grass for dry hay and pasture
18.-21.2021 Mowing and tedding (Navettapelto)
21.6.2021 Swathing and baling dry hay, yield 830 kg dm/ha
Cultivation activities
Fertility analysis 19.12.2022:
Sampling line 2022:
Fertility analysis 2.5.2018:
Vocabulary for reading fertility analysis:
Numero= number
Peruslohkotunnus= basic field id-number
Nimi= name
Maalaji= soil type
Multavuus= type of humus
Johtoluku= electrical conductivity
Kationinvaihtokapasiteetti= cation exchange capacity
Kalkitustarve= need for liming
Suositeltava kalkituslaji= recommended lime type
Hehkutushäviö= annealing loss
NIR skannaus= NIR scanning
Yksikkö= unit
Tonni= ton
Vapaavalintainen= free choice
2019 Silage grass
2018 Silage grass
2017 Garss
2016 Grass