Field 27 Vepsä

Basic information about the field

Area: 1,76 ha
Soil type: Humus rich sandy loam

Field shaped as rectangular, which has stiff soil type restricting the choices of cultivated plants. Specific about cultivation times. The field has not been ploughed since 1995 so it is used to monitor the success of cultivation without ploughing.

Crop rotation

2023 Silage grass
2022 Barley (protective crop)
2021 Fava bean, Kontu

Research and experiments

Cultivation without plowing

20242023202220212020Soil samplesCrop rotation

Cultivation activities

Cultivation activities

Silage grass
16.6.2023 Harvesting silage, yield 1437.92 kg ka/ha
12.8.2023 Harvesting silage, yield 3724.82 kg ka/ha


Cultivation activities

Barley, RGT Planet
17.5.2022 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 30 tn/ha
17.5.2022 Harrowing
19.5.2022 Harrowing
19.5.2020 Sowing, barley RGT Planet, grass seed mixture
4.9.2020 Threshing, yield 2200 kg/ha



Yield map 2022

Cultivation activities

Fava bean, Kontu
16.5.2021 Harrowing, goosefoot harrow
16.5.2021 Sowing, favabean Kontu 315 kg/ha
7.8. and 19.8.2021 Threshing, yield 571 kg/ha
15.11.2021 Harrowing, plate harrow

Cultivation activities

Barley, Elmeri
5.5.2020 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure + Ecolan Agra 3-3-0 vinasse 25 tn/ha
8.5.2020 Plate harrow
22.5.2020 Cultivation, goosefoot harrow
25.5.2020 Harrowing, goosefoot harrow
25.5.2020 Sowing, barley Elmeri 246 kg/ha
26.5.2020 Rolling
11.9.2020 Threshing, yield 2366 kg/ha
3.10.2020 Plate harrow

25.5.2020 Soil after cultivation

25.5.2020 Soil after harrowing. Goosefoot harrow did a good job with detaching the old growth.

Yield map from summer 2020

Fertility analysis 19.12.2022:

Sampling line 2022:

Fertility analysis 2.5.2018:

Vocabulary for reading fertility analysis:

Numero= number
Peruslohkotunnus= basic field id-number
Nimi= name
Maalaji= soil type
Multavuus= type of humus
Johtoluku= electrical conductivity
Kationinvaihtokapasiteetti= cation exchange capacity
Kalkitustarve= need for liming
Suositeltava= recommended lime type
NIR skannaus= NIR scanning
Tonni= ton
Vapaavalintainen= free choice

2019 Silage grass
2018 silage grass
2017 Silage grass
2016 Silage grass
2015 Fava bean Fuego as silage
2014 Malt barley Harbinger
2013 Oat Aslak
2012 Barley Fairytable
2011 Spring wheat Anniina
2010 Spring wheat Kruunu