Field 30 Kuokkamaa

Basic information about the field

Area: 6,20 ha
Soil type: Very humus rich sandy loam

Crop rotation

2023 Silage grass
2022 Oat (protective crop)
2021 Oat, Niklas

20242023202220212020Soil samplesCrop rotation

Cultivation activities

Cultivation activities

Silage grass
13.5.2023 Fertilizer: YaraVita Amazinc, 1,0 l/ha
11.8.2023 Harvesting silage, yield 2380,89 kg ka/ha


Cultivation activities

Oat, Niklas (protective crop)
23.5.2022 Harrowing
24.5.2022 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 22 tn/ha
25.5.2022 Harrowing
25.5.2022 Sowing, oat Niklas 202 kg/ha
25.5.2022 Sowing, grass seed Retu-hiiliseos 30 kg/ha
30.5.2022 Rolling
5.9.2022 Threshing, yield 2100 kg/ha
24.9.2022 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 12.9 tn/ha

16.6.2022 Uniform looking growth.
Approx. 450 sprouts/ m^2. The weed pressure
is reasonably low. The hay seed has started to
germinate. Some clover leaves and the sprouting
of grass plants can be seen.



Yield map 2022

Cultivation activities

Oat, Niklas
3.6.2021 Plate harrow
5.6.2021 Harrowing twice, goosefoot harrow
6.6.2021 Sowing: oat Niklas 240 kg/ha
7.9.2021 Threshing, yield 2290 kg/ha
18.9.2021 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 15 tn/ha
26.10.2021 Plowing

3.9.2021 Picture of the growth
Oat yield map

Cultication activities

Barley, Elmeri
Fertilizer, slurry cow manure + Ecolan Agra 3-0-0 vinasse sludge 25 tn/ha
22.5.2020 Harrowing twice, goosefoot harrow
22.5.2020 Sowing, barley Elmeri 246 kg/ha
4.6.2020 Harrowing the weeds, sowing clover mixture 2 kg/ha + a bit of lacy phacelia
15.6.2020 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 15 tn/ha
28.8.2020 Threshing, yield 2136 kg/ha
8.10.2020 Plowing

29.5.2020 Sprouting here and there

29.5.2020 Barley exactly one week from sowing

Fertility analysis 19.12.2022:

Sampling line 2022:

Fertility analysis 2.5.2018:

Vocabulary for reading fertility analysis:

Numero= number
Peruslohkotunnus= basic field id-number
Nimi= name
Maalaji= soil type
Multavuus= type of humus
Johtoluku= electrical conductivity
Kationinvaihtokapasiteetti= cation exchange capacity
Kalkitustarve= need for liming
Suositeltava= recommended lime type
NIR skannaus= NIR scanning
Tonni= ton
Vapaavalintainen= free choice

2019 Perennial silage grass
2018 Perennial silage grass
2017 Perennial silage grass with clover
2016 Establishing grass
2015 Fallow
2014 Barley Tiril
2013 Barley Tiril
2012 Cumin Niederdeutscher
2011 Cumin Niederdeutscher
2010 Cumin Niederdeutscher