Field 32 Peräkäs

Basic information about the field

Area: 3,26 ha
Soil type: sedge peat

Quite clearly shaped field. Due to the soil type, there is flexibility with the cultivation times.

Crop rotation

2023 Fava bean Louhi + oat Harmony
2022 Autumn rye, Reetta
2021 Silage grass

Research and experiments

Prevention of couch grass (BT-agro)

20242023202220212020Soil samplesCrop rotation

Cultivation activities

Cultivation activities

Fava bean + oat
15.5.2023 Fertilizer: cattle slurry, 7,6 tn/ha
16.5.2023 Ploughing
21.5.2023 Harrowing
22.5.2023 Sowing: fava bean Louhi 258,6 kg/ha and oat Harmony 40 kg/ha
27.5.2023 Sowing: grass mix 30 kg/ha
6.9.2023 Whole crop silage harvest: yield 3052,76 kg ka/ha


Cultivation activities

Rye, Reetta
15.5.2022 Harrowing the weeds
15.5.2022 Rolling
17.5.2022 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 21 tn/ha
22.8.2022 Threshing, yield 2100 kg/ha
8.9.2022 Plate harrow


Yield map 2022

Cultivation activities

Silage grass
19.4.2021 Raking the grass
6.6.2021 Harvesting silage and baling, yield 2434 kg dm/ha
9.6.2021 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 40 tn/ha
23.7.2021 Harvesting silage, yield 2933 kg dm/ha
30.8.2021 Plowing
31.8.-2.9.2021 Harrowing; sowing rye Reetta 200 kg/ha; fertilizer YaraBio (10-4-1) 200 kg/ha

Cultivation activities

Perennial silage grass
4.5.2020 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 25 tn/ha
10.6.2020 Mowing
10.6.2020 Swathing
11.6.2020 Baling
15.6.2020 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 15 tn/ha
27.7.2020 Harvesting silage, yield 3 676 kg dm/ha
14.9.2020 Harvesting silage, yield 1 277 kg dm/ha

220520 Growth index image. The shadows of the forest are twisting a bit the growth index on the south edge of the field.

Fertility analysis 19.12.2022:

Sampling line 2022:

Fertility analysis 2.5.2018:

Numero= number
Peruslohkotunnus= basic field id-number
Nimi= name
Maalaji= soil type
Multavuus= type of humus
Johtoluku= electrical conductivity
Kationinvaihtokapasiteetti= cation exchange capacity
Kalkitustarve= need for liming
Suositeltava= recommended lime type
NIR skannaus= NIR scanning
Tonni= ton
Vapaavalintainen= free choice

2019 Silage grass
2018 Oat, Matty (protective crop)
2017 Oat, Matty
2016 Silage grass
2015 Perennial silage grass
2014 Perennial silage grass
2013 Perennial silage grass
2012 Barley, Tiril + grass seed (timothy grass Tuure and tall fescue Karoliina)
2011 Oat, Aslak
2010 Oat, Aslak