Field 37 Puutarhalohko

Basic information about the field

Area: 1,62 ha
Soil type: Humus rich rough grass

Clearly shaped field, partly sloped towards the north. Light soil type is suitable for many plants and research activity. Not suitable for potato, because there is Rhizoctonia solani in the soil and high phosphorus levels.

Restoration procedures: The ditch next to road Runkomäentie was cleared in autumn 2020 and evening the bank next to the field.

Crop rotation

2023 Silage grass
2022 Inter cropping (cereal crops + grass seed)
2021 Fava bean, Kontu

Research and experiments

2021 Heritage potatoes

20242023202220212020Soil samplesCrop rotation

Cultivation activities

Cultivation activities

Silage grass
14.6.2023 Harvesting silage, yield 871,48 kg ka/ha

Cultivation activities

Inter cropping (oat and wheat)
17.5.2022 Plowing
19.5.2022 Harrowing
19.5.2022 Sowing: oat Matty, wheat Leijona and Helmi
30.5.2022 Sowing: grass seed Naturcom Retuhiiliseos

Cultivation activities

Fava bean, Kontu
13.-14.5.2021 Harrowing twice, goosefoot harrow
14.5.2021 Sowing: fava bean Kontu 290 kg/ha
13.8.2021 Threshing, yield 1 118 kg/ha

4.6.2021 Planting heritage potatoes

Cultivation activities

Barley, Elmeri
27.4.2020 Evening the soil with harrow
5.5.2020 Harrowing, goosefoot harrow
6.5.2020 Harrowing, Ecolan Agra Organic 13-0-0 organic fertilizer 400 kg/ha for the area of cereal crop variety experiment
14.5.2020 Sowing, barley Elmeri 254 kg/ha
15.9.2020 Threshing, yield 1 825 kg/ha
7.10.2020 Plowing

29.5.2020 Field Puutarhalohko is starting to turn green

230720 Variety experiments or cereal crops. In the highest picture, only blue color has been filtered, in the middle picture green and lowest has all the colors in use. Based on this year, most accurate pictures of the growth, can be achieved after filtering the blue.

Fertility analysis 26.11.2021:

Vocabulary for reading fertility analysis:

Numero= number
Peruslohkotunnus= basic field id-number
Nimi= name
Maalaji= soil type
Multavuus= type of humus
Johtoluku= electrical conductivity
Kationinvaihtokapasiteetti= cation exchange capacity
Kalkitustarve= need for liming
Suositeltava= recommended lime type
NIR skannaus= NIR scanning
Tonni= ton
Vapaavalintainen= free choice

Field Puutarhalohko sampling line 2:

2019 Silage grass
2018 Oat, Matty (protective crop)
2017 Barley, Elmeri
2016 Oat, Matty
2015 Barley Tiril
2014 Spring wheat, Anniina
2013 Green fallow
2012 Spring wheat, Anniina
2011 Barley, NFC Tipple
2010 Spring wheat, Kruunu