Field 9 Hakala

Basic information about the field

Area: 11,66 ha
Soil type: The soil type varies in different parts of the field. Fine sand, humus rich sand moraine and humus rich sandy loam.

Diverse field, where there are many soil types. Diversity does not significantly affect on cultivation procedures, because the field is big in size. On the lower edge of the field, there is a nature preserving field bordering the lake (1,34 ha).

Crop rotation

2024 Silage grass
2023 A: silage grass, B: whole grain silage
2022 A: silage grass; B: whole grain silage (corn)

20242023202220212020Soil samplesCrop rotation

Cultivation activities

Cultivation activities

A: Silage
27.4.2023 Fertilizer, cattle slurry, 20 tn/ha
18.6.2023 Fertilizer, cattle slurry 8 tn/ha and Soilfood NKS Premium 2 tn/ha
8.6.2023 Cutting
9.6.2023 Baling, yield 2130,71 kg ka/ha
7.8.2023 Silage harvesting, yield 3966,67 kg ka/ha
19.9.2023 Silage harvesting, yield 1642,06 kg ka/ha

B: Whole grain silage + grass seed
6.5.2023 Cultivation
14.5.2023 Fertilizer: cattle slurry 20 tn/ha
15.5.2023 Harrowing
22.5.2023 Sowing: spring triticale + pea + grass seed
29.5.2023 Rolling
6.9.2023 Silage harvesting, yield 3577,23 kg ka/ha

The whole grain silage was very tall and lush at the end of July.

Cultivation activities

A: Silage grass
6.5.2022 Additional sowing, 20 kg/ha, alfalfa, English rye-grass
13.6.2022 Clearing mowing
17.6.2022 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure
4.7.2022 Clearing mowing
1.8.2022 Harvesting silage, bale, yield 500 kg dm/ha

B: Whole grain silage, corn Joy
6.5.2022 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 40 tn/ha
10.5.2022 Plowing
18.5.2022 Harrowing
19.5.2022 Plate harrow
19.5.2022 Harrowing
19.5.2022 Sowing, grass mixture
20.5.2022 Sowing, corn Joy 10 kg/ha
2.8.2022 Crush mowing, corn, growth low and bad
7.10.2022 Plowing


Cultivation activities

Wheat, Helmi (4,53 ha)
16.5.2021 Evening the soil with harrow
16.5.2021 Harrowing twice, goosefoot harrow
16.5.2021 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 17,2 tn/ha and Ecolan Agra (3-0-0) 170 kg/ha
16.5.2021 Sowing, wheat Helmi 250 kg/ha
10.6.2021 Sowing, grass mixture Retu-kuohkeuttava rehuseos 28 kg/ha
5.7.2021 Spraying, BioNue 4 ha
11.8.2021 Threshing, yield 1977 kg/ha

Wheat yield map

Fodder corn, Joy and Ambient (4,84 ha)
16.5.2021 Fertilizer, slurry cow manure 45 tn/ha and Ecolan Agra (3-0-0) 450 kg/ha
1.-2.6.2021 Harrowing twice, goosefoot harrow
3.6.2021 Sowing, corn Joy 82,6 kg/ha and Ambient 10,3 kg/ha
15.9.2021 Harvesting corn, yield 5101 kg dm/ha

3.6.2021 Corn sown
13.7.2021 Corn growing
3.9.2021 White goosefoot in the corn growth
3.9.2021 Picture about the growth

Protection zone
18.6.2021 Mowing
18.-21.6.2021 Tedding
21.6.2021 Swathing and baling the dry hay, yield 1848 kg dm/ha
18.9.2021 Harvesting silage grass, yield 709 kg dm/ha

Cultivation activities

Fava bean Kontu
28.4.2020 Plowing, 4,5 ha east edge
4.-5.5.2020 Harrowing, goosefoot harrow
5.5.2020 Sowing, fava bean Kontu 260 kg/ha + mixed cereal crop, spring wheat Amaretto 50 kg/ha, about 1,5 ha lower left edge
21.-23.9.2020 Threshing 2063 kg/ha
12.10.2020 Plowing



Two pictures above 3.8.2020. There is a lot of scentless chamomile in the growth, but otherwise fava bean has been growing well

Perennial silage grass
Fertilizer, slurry cow manure+vinasse 30 tn/ha
10.6.2020 Mowing
11.6.2020 Baling
30.7.2020 Mowing
31.7.2020 Baling

Fertility analysis 26.11.2021:

Vocabulary for reading fertility analysis:

Numero= number
Peruslohkotunnus= basic field id-number
Nimi= name
Maalaji= soil type
Multavuus= type of humus
Johtoluku= electrical conductivity
Kationinvaihtokapasiteetti= cation exchange capacity
Kalkitustarve= need for liming
Suositeltava kalkituslaji= recommended lime type
Hehkutushäviö= annealing loss
NIR skannaus= NIR scanning
Yksikkö= unit
Tonni= ton
Vapaavalintainen= free choice

Hakala sampling lines 9-11:

Soil NIR-analyysi (26.11.2021), line 9

2021 A: wheat Helmi; B: fodder corn Joy (hybrid)
2019 A: rye Reetta; B: grass
2018 Silage grass
2017 Silage grass
2016 Silage grass
2015 Oat
2014 Spring canola Juliet
2013 Spring wheat Anniina
2012 Spring canola Aurea
2011 Spring wheat Anniina
2010 Fava bean Kontu